Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stoned again!

The Roman gladiators were reputed to have had as their motto, " That which does not kill us makes us stronger." I fervently hope that they are correct. since I was a teenager, I suffered from gout. The image we often see is an old man sitting in a chair with his foot raised and wrapped in a bandage. that is one way that gout can manifest itself.

Gout is a form of arthritis. it is a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, whereas arthritis is a buildup of excess calcium, or wearing down of the ligaments. However, uric acid crystals have other ways to invade the body. One of those ways is by collecting in the kidney, and manifesting as a kidney stone. Calcium can also do this. The symptoms are identical, but the treatments are very different. Unlike calcium, uric acid dissolves water. The crystals were enough water and they dissolve -- hopefully.

Generally, there are some great drugs they can get people to kill the pain And he said the dissolution of the crystals. Unfortunately, those drugs are incompatible with drugs they give people who had a stroke. So, the solution is drink a lot of water, take massive doses of ibuprofen for pain, and waited out.

It's not likely to kill me. I'll let you know if that makes me stronger. In the meantime, I'm going to lay on the bed and suffer a little.

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